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Recordings and powerpoints of the webinars organized by ‘The Art if Energetic Healing School NY’ are available at

Jan 29, Feb 26, Mar 26, Apr 30, 2021/ 10am-4pm ET

This course is designed for professional homeopathsWe have invited back international master homeopath Anne Vervarcke, (Belgium) to present a four more classes for us in our online series. Join our intimate class live online or get the recording. Anne has been teaching internationally for over 25 years and is known world wide for her brilliant approach to case taking and analysis. She will be sharing with us gems of her analysis and remedy selection method. As well as covering the given subject matter for each class, Anne will explains use of the Vital Approach Map of Homeopathic Families and a little about the revolutionary analytical tool, the “Family Finder,” which takes case analysis to the next level. The “Family Finder” contains all the sophistication of the latest developments in the field of homeopathy; it separates essences from details and in a simple, easy comprehensible way leads the homeopath to the right Family or Remedy. For more information and detailed biography on Anne Vervarcke please see

Vervarcke’s works are also available in Radar Opus please see

$150 per class or save $50 and sign up for the series for $550
Participants will receive links to the video recording.
To register please contact Suzy Meszoly at

Jan 29 Conifers and Rosales

Both groups belong to the seed plants, the Conifers to the Gymnosperms and the Rosales to the Angiosperms. In this webinar we are going to first explore the bigger divisions, their characteristics, the differential diagnosis within those larger groups and then let the separate species come to life through the words of client cases.

Conifers are by no means rare; we have many remedies in our Materia Medica, we are aware of the various Abies trees, but somehow the different remedies like Pseudotsuga menziesii, Larix decidua, Pinus sylvestris, Taxus baccata, Sabina, Juniperus communis, Cupressus, Sequoia gigantea, seldom come to mind.
A similar fate happens with the Rosales. They are very common plants, abundant in our Materia Medica but again lacking a clear picture. In the webinar we will explore Agrimonia eupatoria, Fragraria (strawberry), Malus (apple), Prunus (plum) Pyrus (pear) Ribes (different kinds of berries) and bring those fruits to your plate, surrounded by, of course some beautiful Roses!

Feb 26 Rodents and Bat

In this webinar we will concentrate on a subgroup of the Mammals, complete with its own characteristics: the Rodents. They are the most numerous order of Mammals on the planet. If you want to know how to recognize not only Rat (Rattus rattus) or Mouse (Mus musculus), but also Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), Hare ( Lepus europeaus), Beaver (Castoreum), Squirrel (Sciuris) and Hedgehog (Erinaceaus europeaus), join us for this special webinar where many cases will be presented. Anne will provide clear attributes as always, making sure you will never miss one again. The webinar will also include an exploration of Bat, belonging to Chiroptera. This a very extensive group with lots of subdivisions, and over 1000 sorts, which makes them the second most numerous Mammals. One can say that 1 out of 5 mammals is a bat! Anne will present a few bats cases and examine the proving, allowing you to add this group to your homeopathic toolbox.

March 26 Even-toed Ungulates and Primates

In this webinar we are going to explore some more Mammal subgroups starting with the Even-Toed Ungulates. Through cases and clear attributes we will look into remedies made from deer, giraffe, camel, sheep, goat, cow and pig. All of these animals are familiar to us, yet do we know how and when to prescribe them? The way they express in our clients will become clear in the presented material. Another group that deserves our attention are the Primates. Strangely enough there is not much to find in homeopathy on these animals. Nevertheless by provings and cases the picture will become clear and remedies like Lac Macaca and Pan troglodytes will be familiar.

April 30 Birds and more Birds

In this webinar we explore the vast group of Animals: Birds. As different as a Canary to an Eagle, a Sparrow to an Ibis, a Parrot to a Turkey or a Chicken to a Road Runner, all these species and more will be included in the class. Think of Geese, Swans, Ducks, Jays, Tits, Falcons, Crows, Herons, Seagulls, Pelicans! In the end Birds will have no more secrets and you will become a perfect bird spotter!